Somewhere along 2004 or so, it seems kids in other states had this issue where if they fought their bullies, the bully would be the victim and the victim, charged with aggression. In an urban setting, this was never the case.
Lemme be more accurate - In a non-white school, this wasn't the case. Someone acting up? They're the ones in trouble. The kid who fought back? Good job. In the case of Casey Haynes, that showed me there was still some common sense in the world. But this world we live in isn't common, now is it? For every Casey, there was a John and Billy that got in trouble because they stood up for themselves and the school had a zero-tolerance policy. The zero-tolerance policy was made to detract bullies, not support them. What the hell happened?
Now we'll dive into another topic: The safe space. Where does the safe space come into play? There were another group of kids that were frail and sickly. These kids couldn't play with the other children, and their lives were overall...shitty. We made fun of those kids back in the 90's. During the turn of the century and The Worst Attack on American Soil ™, these kids got a boost in confidence thanks to their parents who couldn't deal with the fact that they were dealt a shitty hand and decided to make it bad for everyone who was born without a peanut allergy or osteoporosis.
All of the above were targeted. Metallic jungle gyms were replaced by plastic foam gyms that weren't satisfying to grab or didn't burn you on a hot day (We had contests to see who could touch the slide the longest or who was crazy enough to slide down it, something kids today will never know about), peanut butter of all things were banned because some pussified kid with a peanut allergy died for eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Know what those parents did? Told them to stay away from peanuts and all products with nuts. I had a nickel allergy and broke out in hives. The highlight of 4th grade. What did I do, tell mommy to ban everything with nickel from school? No, she changed my glasses. Simple as that.
And the one thing I was neck deep in during 2007: The banning of Santa Claus and his trademark attire and laugh. Ho ho ho! was a No no no!, along with his red suit, because red is threatening and invokes violence and to top it off, Santa was to be slimmed down, because Santa is the cause for childhood obesity.
Absurd, ain't it?
And that also brings me to my next point. The fat kids who were teased? More accurately, the fat girls who were teased and shamed for being fat, as they should? Well...
Due to the resurgence of the internet, there were many a people who could make themselves known. YouTube being a very common source, or blogsites like this one. Around the time, it seems the girls who were shamed for being fat decided to make a movement that pushed for their gross bodies to be accepted and acknowledged. One site in particular that likes to push these 'flaws' if you can call them that is Tumblr. A good site for erotic images of cartoon characters and gifs of dancing girls with or without asses. On the other hand, the latter is more appealing compared to what I posted. These girls loved to eat a little too much, and it shows. No boy in their right mind would want these types of women unless they were into that type of thing. Any guy I see with a fat woman, unless she has something to play with, regrets being with her.
At least if the butt and chest had something you could slap or grab. None of the images above show that.
And anyone with a brain knows that Barbie isn't a realistic body-type. Anytime you see a barbie-type, she's told to eat something. There's a difference. And the real-life barbie-dolls are freaks of nature.
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Then again... |
No company is better than bad company.
Now, to conclude this piece for you, and send off July with something informative, I'm going to tell you where this all comes into place: The kids who had the peanut allergies and hurt feelings are now the adults who push for safe spaces for grade schools and colleges. They somehow got into power and ruined everything. They are also the ones pushing for inclusiveness in every form of media, video games included. They have teamed up with the fat girls to make every character an ugly, blotchy mess with more layers than an ogre and onion. They have come into hobbies they never cared about to dictate to others what it should be about. They have succeeded in making everything about them and flaunting the fact that they're fat, ugly or gay/lesbian/trans/queer/dragon/fairykin/etc.
And I don't have to say, "I don't have a problem with gays, but..." I'm just gonna say it: No one cares. In the sense that you can do what you wanna do. It's flaunting that you're whatever you are that's the issue. I'm black. You can see that clear as day. I don't have to flaunt it. You're so starved for attention that you demand it from everyone and when you don't get your way, you scream prejudice and hate and you go into your safe space or internet hugbox to garner support. I really hate how these people infiltrated a hobby I've grown up with for twenty plus years. So you suck dick. So you eat pussy. So what? Want a medal?
But let's go back to the peanut allergy-inflicted pussies that sport their hipster glasses and full beards. These guys are the ones who failed to realize the reason why those other boys bullied girls was because they liked them. They also are confused as to why said girl is now with that guy while he has no girlfriend at all. So what does he do to fix his flaws or work on what he didn't have to sweep that girl off her feet?
Become a feminist and yes-man for all women. That'll get him laid!
"Women aren't represented enough in the workforce! Get them in those positions even if they don't qualify for the position!"
"That poster of Pamela Anderson you have objectifies women! Take it down!"
"You're a man! You are already the enemy by default!"
Suddenly, there's an insurgence of women in the workforce and a deficit of men. Now, these women will want a nice job with high pay, but men still have to do the manual labor. Evolution and biology giving women and weak men a slap in the face. I was the one guy that had to lift everything. But I can safely say that I wasn't around that environment mentioned above, so it was a matter of one man to six women. That still says a lot, mind you. The push for women in the workforce is still alarming to say the least. Even one of my female co-workers admitted we needed another guy when I wasn't around.
But these frail men may get lucky somewhere, somehow and end up with offspring who are doomed to their genes or way of thinking, and the cycle will continue onward. On the other hand, their 'girlfriend' may choose an open relationship, which translates to "I'm fucking that guy that bullied you in high school, but please keep giving me money and gifts! Maybe I'll give you a piece when my value goes down!". Now that's pathetic. This is the state of the first world. Non-issues are national epidemics, and to think that it all started with a peanut butter sandwich...