Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Censorship in video games: Morals or Money?
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Sunday, August 9, 2015
Time for an overhaul!
I think it's time we got out of the shadows and more importantly, out of the dark and finally take this blog to a new level. As of now, I've uploaded my first video and it serves as an introduction to what I'll be attempting to do in the future. The time is now, for a new today, and a better tomorrow.
Let's do this!
I think it's time we got out of the shadows and more importantly, out of the dark and finally take this blog to a new level. As of now, I've uploaded my first video and it serves as an introduction to what I'll be attempting to do in the future. The time is now, for a new today, and a better tomorrow.
Let's do this!
Friday, July 10, 2015
Things won't change.
In the wake of the Charleston Shooting, the confederate flag flying over the Statehouse Grounds along with the flag itself flying over our heads seems to be the hot topic of today. But it makes you wonder, will this really change anything?
Now, I'm all for removing the flag. I see it as a hopeless piece of memorabilia by a group of people bitter over losing a war, and as a symbol of what my ancestors endured and would have continued to endure had the South had its way. But as history has shown us, it won't really change a thing. People won't change. Blacks will still be hated in America, and the 'rebels' will just have a reason to actively attack them. Hell, it's in their name, rebels. What rebel is just gonna take losing their national emblem's right to fly freely in the skies? They'll keep wearing it, and they'll keep holding their outdated values.
The flag has a lot of different meanings to everyone. To the one group that's truly affected by this, they see it as a symbol of hate, ignorance and human degeneracy. The flag's meaning is harmless - to the ones that it was intended for. We were never a factor in your fight. You kept us around for the one thing we were brought to this country for - expendable labor. Someone to do your job for you. Pick that cotton, work them fields, shoot that traitor, be my shield. This is from my perspective, as a black male in this country. Your perspective is different, one that isn't the result of living in the black experience. And you'll never know that experience. That's more dangerous than anything else: The lack of knowledge. If something hurts someone, shouldn't said matter be addressed? Why are you ignoring it? La-la-la'ing the problem won't make it go away. Sweeping it under the rug will only make a bigger mess. You may just think this is someone ranting and raving, and it is. It's just that - a personal opinion and viewpoint on this whole matter.
Racism still exists and will exist for all eternity. Dylan's actions were the result of racism, not mental illness. He knew full well what he was doing and seeing those braindead mouthbreathers on the media say otherwise proves my point: Not knowing about an issue or blatantly choosing not to know about a matter is dangerous and only makes way for more atrocities to happen. What's to say someone else won't try the same thing again?
Let's flip the pages. Say a black man came in a church and opened fire on a group of white people, killing them. And let's say he had a mental disorder. Would they address that? Or would they go on and say the attack was racially motivated? Knowing them, they'd try to say that we need more gun control or we need to take care of the crime rates in America, avoiding the issue at hand.
Even worse: It won't be about the individual in question, it'll be about the entire group glorifying a culture of ignorance and violence. The rappers and inner city youth are to blame, AKA black people.
As I stated earlier. Address the real problem: The attack at the Charleston South Carolina Church was racially motivated, explicitly stated by the gunman and that's all there is to it. Taking down that flag won't change a thing.
Want to change a thing? Simply address the real issues at hand.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Now, I'm all for removing the flag. I see it as a hopeless piece of memorabilia by a group of people bitter over losing a war, and as a symbol of what my ancestors endured and would have continued to endure had the South had its way. But as history has shown us, it won't really change a thing. People won't change. Blacks will still be hated in America, and the 'rebels' will just have a reason to actively attack them. Hell, it's in their name, rebels. What rebel is just gonna take losing their national emblem's right to fly freely in the skies? They'll keep wearing it, and they'll keep holding their outdated values.
The flag has a lot of different meanings to everyone. To the one group that's truly affected by this, they see it as a symbol of hate, ignorance and human degeneracy. The flag's meaning is harmless - to the ones that it was intended for. We were never a factor in your fight. You kept us around for the one thing we were brought to this country for - expendable labor. Someone to do your job for you. Pick that cotton, work them fields, shoot that traitor, be my shield. This is from my perspective, as a black male in this country. Your perspective is different, one that isn't the result of living in the black experience. And you'll never know that experience. That's more dangerous than anything else: The lack of knowledge. If something hurts someone, shouldn't said matter be addressed? Why are you ignoring it? La-la-la'ing the problem won't make it go away. Sweeping it under the rug will only make a bigger mess. You may just think this is someone ranting and raving, and it is. It's just that - a personal opinion and viewpoint on this whole matter.
Racism still exists and will exist for all eternity. Dylan's actions were the result of racism, not mental illness. He knew full well what he was doing and seeing those braindead mouthbreathers on the media say otherwise proves my point: Not knowing about an issue or blatantly choosing not to know about a matter is dangerous and only makes way for more atrocities to happen. What's to say someone else won't try the same thing again?
Let's flip the pages. Say a black man came in a church and opened fire on a group of white people, killing them. And let's say he had a mental disorder. Would they address that? Or would they go on and say the attack was racially motivated? Knowing them, they'd try to say that we need more gun control or we need to take care of the crime rates in America, avoiding the issue at hand.
Even worse: It won't be about the individual in question, it'll be about the entire group glorifying a culture of ignorance and violence. The rappers and inner city youth are to blame, AKA black people.
As I stated earlier. Address the real problem: The attack at the Charleston South Carolina Church was racially motivated, explicitly stated by the gunman and that's all there is to it. Taking down that flag won't change a thing.
Want to change a thing? Simply address the real issues at hand.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Time to vent: My own views on the world and people: Hashtags
I'll keep it short and sweet.
I despise hashtags.
De-spise. Hashtags are commonly used to symbolize numbers or the word number. Example, "It was his hat, Mr. Krabs, he was #1!"
Nowadays, it's used for either advertising, some silly social agenda or an even sillier and especially stupid trend on Twitter, which I do not use, period.
(^Even worse, I can actually link someone here doing that. What the hell, Google.)
It's very annoying to see #Whatever in commercials, TV shows and even on billboards. It doesn't help that Twitter is the leading cause of all the dumb people click-clacking on their phones texting for the sake of it. While they're trying to retweet something to #iamafuckingmoronwhoneedstopayattentiontothefuckingroad, they hit something and someone, causing a death, an accident and eventually you see a commercial telling you something that should be commonly known and practiced taking up tax dollars and space.
There's one for you. Make that the top trend for the week.
I despise hashtags.
De-spise. Hashtags are commonly used to symbolize numbers or the word number. Example, "It was his hat, Mr. Krabs, he was #1!"
Nowadays, it's used for either advertising, some silly social agenda or an even sillier and especially stupid trend on Twitter, which I do not use, period.
(^Even worse, I can actually link someone here doing that. What the hell, Google.)
It's very annoying to see #Whatever in commercials, TV shows and even on billboards. It doesn't help that Twitter is the leading cause of all the dumb people click-clacking on their phones texting for the sake of it. While they're trying to retweet something to #iamafuckingmoronwhoneedstopayattentiontothefuckingroad, they hit something and someone, causing a death, an accident and eventually you see a commercial telling you something that should be commonly known and practiced taking up tax dollars and space.
There's one for you. Make that the top trend for the week.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Time to vent: My own views on the world and people: Kids
Kids. Kids are the future. Kids are precious.
Kids are bile. Cancer. Filth, trash, every other name for something repulsive. I just don't like kids. Kids are what you have when you're married and your wife vetoes her snatch from you unless you make a raw deposit. Kids are what you have when you lack education(I.E. the use of condoms)and have nothing else better to do.
Kids are what you have when you want to have some sense of accomplishment. Well, you've accomplished a headache. When people say kids are precious, they're talking about a photo they saw of three kids well behaved because their mother had a wooden spoon raring for their hands or daddy had a belt or his hand waiting for their smooth little asses. Anything can look good in a photograph. A Tiger, a group of gangsters, a coca plant in bloom. You can't be fooled by that.
The problem is, women at some point want kids because babies are cute and darling. Yeah, until they start crying. Until they get sick and decide to cry nonstop. One situation involved my eldest nephew sick with something and his mother thought it'd be a good idea to come to our house for some reason. As if we needed to bear his nonstop crying. At least if she asked for assistance with his ailment. I don't even think she did that, but that's another tale in another can of worms.
As infants, they cry. They spit up. They shit and piss all over the place. They get sick and you only notice if you're within face-to-face distance. You get sick from them, feel like shit but hey, at least your baby is now better, for a few months. When they learn how to speak, phase two begins: I want that!
"You can't have that!"
Tantrums begin. They cry even worse now with two years of practice and let loose on anyone in their path. And best of all, they do this while you're at work tending to your task. Yes, some mother can't or won't tell their kid to be quiet or can't quiet them down unless she kills it or gives into its demand. But forbid you or anyone else do her job for her. Oh no. Don't you dare lay a finger on my little angel, you heartless bastard!
Now, all kids are not terrible. The ones who were raised properly and taught their "Pleases", "Thank yous" and "No, thank yous" are as darling as can be. It's the children and keyword, children that are in a group that get me. The more kids you have, the more likely you'll get the one bad apple that can't stop making a mess or crying and the other children tune him/her out.
Meanwhile, all the adults in the area are wondering two things: Why isn't this kid shutting up and where the hell are the parents? It's very unprofessional and neglectful to let your child act like this and then critique anyone that takes matters into their own hands. Maybe you should have focused on just one child instead of having an entire litter when you know nothing about raising them.
With that many children, focusing on each one will be difficult. The Duggar Family? I can imagine how they do it if at all. With that many children, one can imagine that there'll be that one seed with health problems(Likely the younger ones), the one seed who rebels on the entire philosophy that Jim Bob(HA)and Michelle established and the one that dies due to health problems. Either one is fine by me.
And on a side note, isn't it funny how their show lasted as long as it did yet if you were to take a minority family(either black or latino)and do the same thing you'd have shithead liberals screaming racism and fuckhead conservatives especially attacking the mother for having so many children? Granted, there are a lot of black and latino families out there that are big as the Duggar Family but at least they don't try to make a personal army and have bullshit reasons for having their children. Jim Bob, stop it. You're a blight on society and you ought to be clipped.
But enough on him, back to the children. If they aren't raised properly, they'll scream, shout and run everyone up the wall. Parents need to learn how to raise a child and not be immature about it. Wear protection if you don't want one, don't use the "We didn't have one, oh well." excuse or call it a blessing. Is it a blessing when you can't pay rent or bills because you decided to have a bundle of them? How can they take care of you when you can't take care of yourself?
It is my sole opinion and view that if you have a child or are expecting a child or trying to have a child, you no longer are allowed to do the things you did as a regular person. You are not allowed to have weekend binges and hangouts with friends. You are not allowed time with the girls out on the town, dressing sexy and playing hard to get. You definitely are not allowed to show off your tramp stamp on the dancer floor while also sporting your stretch marks in the front. Chris Rock put it best: You got two kids and you're in a club at three in the morning. Have some fucking decency.
And even then, some women do this with no shame. Tsk, tsk.
In any case, a tip of the hat to the parents who raise their children right and a middle finger to the ones who half-ass it.
Kids are bile. Cancer. Filth, trash, every other name for something repulsive. I just don't like kids. Kids are what you have when you're married and your wife vetoes her snatch from you unless you make a raw deposit. Kids are what you have when you lack education(I.E. the use of condoms)and have nothing else better to do.
Kids are what you have when you want to have some sense of accomplishment. Well, you've accomplished a headache. When people say kids are precious, they're talking about a photo they saw of three kids well behaved because their mother had a wooden spoon raring for their hands or daddy had a belt or his hand waiting for their smooth little asses. Anything can look good in a photograph. A Tiger, a group of gangsters, a coca plant in bloom. You can't be fooled by that.
The problem is, women at some point want kids because babies are cute and darling. Yeah, until they start crying. Until they get sick and decide to cry nonstop. One situation involved my eldest nephew sick with something and his mother thought it'd be a good idea to come to our house for some reason. As if we needed to bear his nonstop crying. At least if she asked for assistance with his ailment. I don't even think she did that, but that's another tale in another can of worms.
As infants, they cry. They spit up. They shit and piss all over the place. They get sick and you only notice if you're within face-to-face distance. You get sick from them, feel like shit but hey, at least your baby is now better, for a few months. When they learn how to speak, phase two begins: I want that!
"You can't have that!"
Tantrums begin. They cry even worse now with two years of practice and let loose on anyone in their path. And best of all, they do this while you're at work tending to your task. Yes, some mother can't or won't tell their kid to be quiet or can't quiet them down unless she kills it or gives into its demand. But forbid you or anyone else do her job for her. Oh no. Don't you dare lay a finger on my little angel, you heartless bastard!
Now, all kids are not terrible. The ones who were raised properly and taught their "Pleases", "Thank yous" and "No, thank yous" are as darling as can be. It's the children and keyword, children that are in a group that get me. The more kids you have, the more likely you'll get the one bad apple that can't stop making a mess or crying and the other children tune him/her out.
Meanwhile, all the adults in the area are wondering two things: Why isn't this kid shutting up and where the hell are the parents? It's very unprofessional and neglectful to let your child act like this and then critique anyone that takes matters into their own hands. Maybe you should have focused on just one child instead of having an entire litter when you know nothing about raising them.
With that many children, focusing on each one will be difficult. The Duggar Family? I can imagine how they do it if at all. With that many children, one can imagine that there'll be that one seed with health problems(Likely the younger ones), the one seed who rebels on the entire philosophy that Jim Bob(HA)and Michelle established and the one that dies due to health problems. Either one is fine by me.
And on a side note, isn't it funny how their show lasted as long as it did yet if you were to take a minority family(either black or latino)and do the same thing you'd have shithead liberals screaming racism and fuckhead conservatives especially attacking the mother for having so many children? Granted, there are a lot of black and latino families out there that are big as the Duggar Family but at least they don't try to make a personal army and have bullshit reasons for having their children. Jim Bob, stop it. You're a blight on society and you ought to be clipped.
But enough on him, back to the children. If they aren't raised properly, they'll scream, shout and run everyone up the wall. Parents need to learn how to raise a child and not be immature about it. Wear protection if you don't want one, don't use the "We didn't have one, oh well." excuse or call it a blessing. Is it a blessing when you can't pay rent or bills because you decided to have a bundle of them? How can they take care of you when you can't take care of yourself?
It is my sole opinion and view that if you have a child or are expecting a child or trying to have a child, you no longer are allowed to do the things you did as a regular person. You are not allowed to have weekend binges and hangouts with friends. You are not allowed time with the girls out on the town, dressing sexy and playing hard to get. You definitely are not allowed to show off your tramp stamp on the dancer floor while also sporting your stretch marks in the front. Chris Rock put it best: You got two kids and you're in a club at three in the morning. Have some fucking decency.
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It's sexy until your soon-to-be stretches it out. |
In any case, a tip of the hat to the parents who raise their children right and a middle finger to the ones who half-ass it.
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