Man. It has been a while. So, I'll do a general tumult of topics.
-First, the Fighters Pass from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The pass finished in January and well, here's a rundown on things from my perspective.
Joker from Persona 5. While I am a fan of Shin Megami Tensei, I'm indifferent to Persona. I played Persona 3 and enjoyed it but and I have a copy of Persona 4 unopened but that is it. So, no connection to Joker. Neutral. I do get this little jingle if I play on Mementos with the P3 music, so there's one positive to highlight.
Hero was a pleasant surprise shown off at E3 2019. The default hero from Dragon Quest XI appeared at the start of Nintendo's presentation and with that hero come the protagonists from Dragon Quest III, IV and VIII respectively. As a Dragon Quest fan, I was hoping for the iconic mascot, the Slime but I call Hero a pleasant surprise because of their execution with having all the various spells from the series in their moveset. I won't get into too much detail, but Hero was a plus for me. I need to pick up XI.
Whoo. This one knocked it out the park for me. Not only was this reveal the highlight of the pass, it managed to overshadow the sequel of Breath of the Wild afterward. What is there to say? A literal never-ever pick comes to reality. I wanted Banjo-Kazooie in Brawl and my sixteen year-old self would have probably shit himself with hype.
Nothing else to say here. This prompted me to buy the pass.
Terry Bogard
Terry hails from Fatal Frame, an IP by SNK Playmore. I've played their games so I knew who he was. A lot of the Smash Bros. fanbase however did not. You gotta love how quickly people were attacking Terry because they don't know anything about him. Even better when you hear the talk about 3rd party characters being more exciting and hype and then those same people get a very iconic 3rd party character added and then complain. Which is it, hype 3rd parties or boring 1st parties in their own words? It can't be what you want personally, and I'm guilty of this as well.
During Terry's initial reveal, Sakurai also dropped this as well.
![]() |
Joy. More shitflinging. |
That said, we come to the very last pick of this pass.
Byleth hails from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Yep. ANOTHER Fire Emblem character, totaling to eight characters. Naturally, everyone was outraged. I wasn't mad. In fact I called it given Corrin in the last Smash Bros. game. Nintendo and even Sakurai himself are that conceited and out of touch to do it. And if the second pass is anything to go by, it's going to be the same with the last character. By buying the pass instead of each individual pack, I technically got Byleth for free. But that's like getting an extra skittle in a bag containing an average of forty or so candies with forty-eight being the max and then you get fifty-one in a bag. Not the best analogy.
I'm not buying the second pass until I see what they're showing, like the first. I may have to hold off on buying the pass, even if I see a Banjo-tier character.
With Smash out the way, let's change gears.
-Covid-19. Or the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus festered in 2019 and started to blow up around late February of this year. Since then, plenty of businesses shut down and millions of not billions of dollars were lost as a result. But for me, it was the people's reaction and response to the whole situation. As a recluse and introvert, I had no issue with staying inside. I've been doing so for the last...fifteen years. The amount of times I've gone out with 'friends' and associates can be counted on my hand.
But to those who can't handle a little bit of isolation is laughable, to some very hilarious results.
And this is not the only incident. Seriously, I could get outraged and pissed off, but I have to laugh at this. If at least the thought of a few months in isolation from a potentially fatal virus is enough to drive you to suicide, that only shows how weak your will is as a person. There are way more serious matters to deal with and you pick this as an excuse to kill yourself. Natural selection at work.
The virus itself, I'm sure I have. In fact, I know that just about everyone has it in some way shape or form. I had a stomachache around the time of cases popping up in the US and the following diarrhea that came with it was not pleasant. I may as well have been shitting out my stomach acid at that point. Covid-19 can kill anyone at any given moment, no matter what. I'll risk Covid-19 but I won't pretend I'm fully immune from it, and I know I'm not and wasn't. But I know I'm in a good spot due to one thing...
Years of eating right and exercise can do wonders for you. It's not just for wanting to live long and healthy, it's also to be prepared for situations like Covid-19 so that your body has the resources to fend off new and unknown threats. Covid-19 can be detrimental and fatal to those who have preexisting conditions. Of course with black people, at least in America, that is a very common factor. The Coronavirus should not have been the turning point where you eat healthy.
In good times and bad, you should be eating your vegetables. Matter of fact, fruit is a double-edged sword as it does contain natural fructose. Vegetables however have dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins needed for a healthy body and how coincidental that most 'adults' do not like to eat their vegetables.
Overall, I'm not bothered by this too much. Wearing a face mask is a bitch and a half but that's one inconvenience. This was a decent wake-up call for the world and the way things are set up. Perhaps this awakening will be the start of a new status quo.
-Third topic, I got fired recently from my job back in February, right at the doorstep of Covid-19 coming to fuck everything up. Let's just say this much about that job: I don't need it as much as some people would think. The work is too much for the little amount of pay you get and the work I was doing was far beyond what one person can do. Two and a half years of that shit. Never again. Covid-19 made me reconsider my stance on retail and working in general. A kick in the ass if you would, one everyone needed, me included.
I was ready to find a new job, but then quarantine happened and well...
I won't say that I won't work another job again, but I will say I'm at that point in my life where I can't stomach the bullshit that comes with a job. Keyword, job. A career is another story. I don't need to get into detail the situation that comes with a black man trying to get a job in this world. Last to get hired, first to get fired. I didn't get my job because I was hard-working, I knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy. That's it. I knew this for years, but I finally realized what came of that scenario and it shows.
You don't have to be competent at your job to get it or keep it. Competence means jackshit, just know the right person and you're in. That is it. Know enough people and you're set. For me being an introvert, that is a death sentence in this social world we live in. This is why I wasn't mad at being fired and this is why I enjoy the situations above with people committing suicide just because they couldn't socialize. Building a social network is beneficial, but working on yourself is a plus as well. Sometimes you just need to fall back and relax. Just chill out.
The general politics with working in retail irks me. I don't like most customers, I want to do my work, I don't do small talk and if I don't like a manager or supervisor, I really don't want to interact with you. I'm here to make money, not friends. And don't pretend I had a chance to grow, your actions say otherwise even if I don't tell you my actual ultimatum. The benefits of being an introvert, you can tell who's genuine and who's a goober. No offense to the candy.
For introverts like me, it was just another lonely day to myself. Some people will never have that problem and this pandemic forced the hands of a lot of people for the better. You can look at my past posts and see where I stand on social distancing.
So, that's that on my job. I won't go on detail with my scenario for now but I'm happily content with my current situation and will try to build my own brand and platform.
So, that covers up most of the relevant stuff. Will I go into dormancy again? I'm going to try to put some material on this blog if it's still around. May as well go for it.
Pay a visit to my site while you're at it. Volume 10 of The World of Mission is finally out!
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