Saturday, December 28, 2013

Keep Fighting: Do it for yourself and not others

So. You're doing something and no one's taking notice. You're doing a lot of good deeds and no one's seeing your selflessness. You're putting your all in your work at the job and your supervisors aren't taking notice or rather, they're ignoring you intentionally for someone else. I know that feeling all too well. You're posting content on a blog or in a YouTube video and you have no views/comments/etc. Well, what should you do? Give up?

Hell no!

Keep on doing what you're doing. A flower doesn't grow overnight. A corporation doesn't happen overnight(Well, that isn't entirely true nowadays). It'll take time before you make a decent userbase of people who like your work. Just keep on doing what you do and be determined with it. If you push yourself hard enough, fruit will blossom and you can eat it. And trust me, it tastes much better when you yourself provided it. So once again, just keep on trucking. Whatever it is that you're doing, do it! Working a min. wage job, managing a small business/corporation, or just doing something for fun out of your own time. Do it and do the best damn job you can at it. No one can tell you what to do for yourself. You have to tell yourself to do something.

Now with that said, whatever obstacle you have awaiting for you, tackle it. Beat its ass to the ground and overcome it. And when the next obstacle comes, rinse and repeat. Don't stop until you breath your last breath and even then, still fight. Life is a battle you have to engage in every single day. You cannot lose or falter for even a minute. Stand strong and face your encounters. Even with this graveyard blog of mine, I just have to keep on posting content.

Let this be the guide for you in 2014.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Time to vent: My own views on the world and people: America and Food II

Merry Christmas to you all!

Back to this lovely subject, we Americans love to eat. Especially on Christmas and Thanksgiving. Ah hell, anytime is fine, so long as we can eat. Now what we're eating is another story. We're not cooking a turkey or a ham? We're buying frozen dinners instead? Why? Do you know how much sodium are in those trays of poison? They're cheap at certain times of the year, but that should not be a reason to substitute it for a real meal. And to buy them en masse? Bad. It may be cheaper than a nice-sized turkey but it isn't better. At least you cook your own bird. The slices of meat that you get with a TV dinner is riddled with MSG, moreso with the gravy. And you get sup-par vegetables that are shriveled from the heat of the microwave. It's much better for you to buy your own vegetables and meat. And less cheaper to do so, too.

How? Well, simple.

Look at the prices of what you have a taste for. Sometimes at say, Kroger you have some meat and the like that are at a discount price. Yes, they may not look as appealing but trust me, even that discount meat is more healthy than what you'll find next to the ice cream. You cook it as soon as you get home or you put it in a deep freezer. You also clean it thoroughly. Some people will say "That meat has salmonella or it'll give you some type of stomach virus!". Guess what? You can't eat anything nowadays. Pasta? No. Sandwiches? Nada. Seafood? Nyet. Red meat? Nien. You can't eat anything without facing a risk. You know what'll decrease your chances of facing these risks?


Shocking, isn't it? We can eat these things and live a nice healthy life. But what do we do? We eat. And eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat. We grow obese, we blame others as opposed to ourselves and we sue. We get that large sum of money and buy more stuff to eat and eat and eat and eat and eat. And then on BBC or whatever network wastes their money, they waste their money on airing an hour-long special based around these beasts. These same fools will call their obesity a disease. Taxpayer money is being put into funding these fat asses and their excuses. On average, America is fat or overweight. And these same fools will treat a vegetable like a rapist or a black man(gasp)at night.

And going on vegetables. They're not gonna hurt you. They're gonna keep your liver and bloodstream clean and clear of diseases. They're also considerably affordable. But you'll go to a box of cookies before you grab a bag of fresh kale. Speaking of fresh, some vegetables can be eaten raw and the ones that can be should be eaten as is. But you won't cook vegetables. Because you weren't taught how to cook. All you know is seven minutes, punch a few holes in the wrapping and reheat for a minute for the rest of the ice to melt. And for those fat fucks who say I eat a salad every day, putting dressing, cheese and croutons on three slices of lettuce does not mean you're eating healthy. Try some olives, baby carrots, mushrooms or onions with the usual spring mix. Try to eat it as is. You can't. You won't. You'll go for that Whopper before you touch an actual salad. You'll buy ramen before you eat fresh kale greens. You'll bite into a block of blacktop before you bite into a fresh tomato. You're a waste of space and in the wild, your ass will be eaten first. And those lions will never want to eat an antelope again. You don't exercise after eating a large meal, you eat heavily late at night and then you wonder why you have diabetes or a foot on the chopping block. It's all your fault and no one else. Well, probably your parents. They didn't care enough to teach or moderate your eating habits. So you do have someone to blame.

Who knew?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Time to vent: My own views on the world and people: America and Food

Well, if you've read my How I Became Slim, Fit and Healthy series(Like anyone really reads these), you already know what this one is gonna be about.
Americans in general love to eat. As of recent years we've gotten very fat. On average Americans are either overweight or obese. Now I love to eat. Love it. However there are certain things that need to be limited and that's where the problem lies. Back in the day, a bottle of cola was considered a treat, akin to ice cream. Something you have say, on the weekends or if you were a child who got a good grade on his report card. I can go with that. Actually, my mother did that with me. If I was brave during a shot at the clinic or if I got my grades up, I got McDonalds or even something else as a reward. Now that was understandable and reasonable. Now, we have a bottle of soda every fucking day or whenever we eat a meal(and I use that term loosely with what America considers a meal nowadays).
McDonalds is a treat. It's not something that you can eat every single fucking day. My grandmother took me to McDonalds every day when she picked me up from school in the 1st grade. That may or may not have contributed to my adolescent huskiness. You cannot buy a bucket of chicken from whatever chain and pass that as dinner. Personally, it's not that good. I'd rather cook my own damn chicken(and it costs less, too!). All skin, all MSG and no meat. All of these fast food places that gain a shitton of revenue from ignorant Americans who either don't know how to cook or don't want to cook is contributing to our childhood obesity dilemma. What the parents do, the kids will likely follow suit. If the parents don't encourage healthy eating or healthier alternatives to McDonalds or Burger King, their children will think that it's okay to eat at those places every single day. It's not the companies' fault that some people become obese and die from heart attacks from overeating their food. Far from it. Ironically, some places have salads as an alternative.
But that's neither here or there. The point is dinners should not be planned at or with fast food chains. Even restaurants that serve home-cooked food(You'd be surprised at the truth)should be avoided, but that's mainly because they're expensive as shit. It's not expensive to buy your own meat and vegetables, which is another topic I'll dive into in the next part. It's not expensive if you take the time and energy to look over prices and quantity. If more people learned how to or attempted to cook their own meals, these problems wouldn't be present.
I can see that this topic is too big for one post. I'll post another entry on this subject in the future. Keep a lookout for it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Time to vent: My own views on the world and people: Feminism Follow-up

I figured based on a recent event, I may as well make another post on modern-day feminism. This is the source and inspiration for this post.

Mighty Number Nope: The Dina Disaster

Now, what have we here? Apparently a person by the name of Dina has come on to the Mighty No. 9 development team to assist in the art direction. Now what's the problem with this? Watch the video and you'll see.

This woman has no connection with Mega Man nor is she a fan. She only played Mega Man X and that does not make you a fan. I've played more Mega Man games and I can't call myself a fan. I know more than her on the subject matter and I can't call myself a fan. But that's not really what this is about, though it's a valid reason why she's a problem within the circle of the people who were looking forward to the game. She first showed her dissatisfaction with the game simply because there were no female robots playable. Robots do not have a gender. They may look like a man/woman but they do not have a gender. Yes, you can refer to say, Roll as a female because she looks like a girl but the reality is she isn't an actual female. This is another case of feminists bitching and moaning about something they do not have an interest in and that's where the Mega Man fandom comes in. She only played X and said she was a fan of the series. Why are you coming on a team dedicated to making a spiritual successor to a series you did not play through thoroughly? I'm serious, she only got on the team because she was angry that there wasn't a strong female figure playable. And because she knows some people in the team, she's now the art director. The old guy supposedly got replaced.

Her art isn't even that good let alone consistent with the art that was shown previously. If she was so intent on having a female character playable, why not make your own damn game? You obviously have the 'artistic' talent to do the designs. Oh wait, she can't design a game. But she knows a design team. And suddenly she's with them, re-tweaking the designs to her liking, which means we're gonna get a female counterpart to the 'male' robot we were going to play as. Again, why are feminists butting in on things they have no interest in? Why are you forcing your views on people just because they doing something you don't like? People like Dina and that other one are ruining video games with their whining and insecurity.

Just watch the video InternetAristocat posted. He can discuss this topic better than I can. From the looks of it, people are already on her case for this. I hope the game itself doesn't suffer from her meddling. Mega Man fans already have enough bull to deal with as is.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Time to vent: My own views on the world and people: Feminism

Oh boy. This one pisses me off. The one thing I've gotten annoyed at as of late?

Feminism, or rather modern-day feminism. I'm all for women having equal opportunities and rights but the modern feminist does not want that. They want that men have no rights for whatever reason. They also feel that every man is inherently chauvinistic and sees women as sex objects and nothing more. Now within our society, these same types have gotten into considerable positions or are influencing people in said positions. If a woman and a man do the exact same crime, who do you think is gonna get the harder sentence? That's right.

Never mind the fact that women are capable of doing what men can do in some cases. And the fact that women can't do some things men can do with ease is sexist. But this isn't a bad thing because guess what? Biologically, women and men...

are different!

Did I shock you there? I really shouldn't have. I'll put it in a way you can understand. Men can develop muscles naturally better. Women cannot. This is evolutionary. Women can naturally lactate and give birth. Men cannot(Though in rare cases, the former can happen apparently). This is also evolutionary. I don't care if you don't like that fact, whatever you come out as, that's what you are. You come out with two testes and a penis, you're a man. None of the above present? Woman.

And on the subject of genitalia and the like, breasts are natural. Big ones are natural too. So what if men look at a nice set in a tanktop? You realize those things are the main sources of life within mammals, right? They do produce nutrients that you can't get with regular cow milk. And if you don't like that men look at your tits, stop wearing things that show them in a revealing way? There's one thing if you have large breasts and keep them covered and then there's wearing a tanktop that accentuates them. Now that's just not right. Men are going to stare at them. That doesn't mean all men are pigs who see women as objects. You wear something that's sexy and men are going to look at you. Even worse if you have the assets to back it up.

Next is the media. Now these same wastes of air are going in mediums where the audience is predominately male and shunning the people who make content for them, calling them misogynist and panderers. The media in particular I'm talking about? Video games. All of the recent news I see with games and feminists have only made me roll my eyes. I don't play the games they mainly target but I can relate to the ones that do for being attacked for playing a game where a woman's gonna be portrayed in a sexy manner. Know why that is? The audience is predominately male. Males like attractive women. This is not a problem. Women don't like ugly men, not unless they have money. Oops, was that misogynist? Moving on. There are female gamers too and they don't complain about the women in games being sexy. Actually, female gamers have it good. There are males who are ripped or attractive. You don't think they get turned on by that? One search on DeviantART and FanFiction.Net can show you otherwise. This only proves the ones who do the complaining are the ones who are not into the medium in anyway shape or form. They do not play video games. They do not care to. They only want to control those who don't cater to their twisted needs.

Developers are falling weak and caving in to their needs. Why? These people don't play video games. The women who do are not bothered by one character who's wearing really revealing armor. They know men like that stuff. They get something too seeing as how most characters in video games are male, usually ripped or muscular. Recently, there was a game named Bravely Default that I am looking forward to that was announced for release in America for February. In Europe, one particular costume was changed from the Japanese version. Just one? Yes. Why just that one? All of the other revealing costumes were untouched(Supposedly). It's a bikini, too. Why is this bikini now resembling bike shorts? If it's a bikini, it should have a two-piece or a single piece and it shouldn't be thigh-high. Was this because of Nintendo(This is my vote, personally)wanting to keep a clean image despite the game having a T rating(Earthbound has one too now, and it's the edited version they released in '95)or was it because of the feminists who are watchdogging video games, looking for one instance of a woman who shows some skin? I can see the other being a reality too. But if Dragon Quest IX was allowed to have the female characters to wear a bikini along with some bustiers, why is it taboo for Edea to wear that one outfit? Something doesn't add up. Supposedly it's the EU version and the NA version won't have the edit. But then again, it might be even more edited seeing as how they have two months to do whatever. It's frustrating because I want this game but I don't condone censoring in any way shape or form. We aren't in the fucking 90's anymore.

Now I know there's one particular person who's contributed to this more than any other feminist. And I fucking despise her and as a result refuse to say her name. If you're informed on the last two paragraphs, you know who she is. If not, consider yourself lucky.

In end, I support feminism when there's genuine sexism and discrimination. I'm all for equal rights along with equal consequences. You want the same pay, you do the same work. You want equal treatment, don't get mad when a man hits you because you think that having that bloody hole gives you a right to hit a man with no restraint. And don't play the victim either. You went in fierce, you can swallow the pain just as. There has to be something done about this situation. No more bias towards women just because they look defenseless, keyword. Looks can be deceiving.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Time to vent: My own views on the world and people: Black Friday

I've recently only realized what Black Friday truly is. It's not a day where you can buy retail products for 50% off.

It's a bloodbath.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Why are people breaking each other's necks over some products? I've heard stories where people were trampled and shoved aside by other people looking to buy a DVD player or whatever else and some people died in the midst of it all. If they weren't trampled, they were straight up murdered for their merchandise.

And the videos. The videos are even worse. I'm not sure if this was relevant to Black Friday, but when the Playstation 3 launched, it was 600 USD. I couldn't believe it. I knew people were going to buy it but a news report showed people going berserk over it, the cops having to monitor the crowd before the store opened. And they still bombarded through them. Some cases of people having their PS3's stolen at gunpoint or knifepoint even popped up at school. The console was released in November though, so maybe some PS3's were available for a reduced price. It's still idiotic the way people reacted in general.

And going back to Black Friday, why do we do these things? Why is it worth your health and your life even to go ballistic over something for a reduced price? Has consumerism vicegriped us to that point where we have to buy something because it's at a reduced price? I can understand if it weren't for the mob mentality that's present in our society. I went shopping with my mother in Best Buy two years ago on a Black Friday. It was crowded, but civil. Why that couldn't happen in the videos I see from time to time is beyond me. I'm actually embarrassed to be an American when I see stuff like that. We criticize other cultures for using urine for rituals for coming of age ceremonies but we'll go ahead and act like rabid dogs over a plasma TV being 60% off. I don't give a shit about consumerism. I buy things like everyone else but I don't let it control me. I always let the price drop or save enough money for something if the price doesn't go down. Act like adults and set an example. Going to a Black Friday sale? Act civil. Bring your manners with you instead of throwing them in the car trunk. Go to a store and act like a human. If you see yourself as being above those African tribesman who eat out cow gooch(which is funny considering that urine is used for a LOT of convenient methods, but again the average American is stupid going by those store riots)then act like it.

I'm still baffled by what goes on with Black Friday. I can't believe shit like that happens in this day and age. But then again, what can you expect? The land of the free and home of the brave indeed. You'd have to be brave to go shopping during Black Friday.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Time to vent: My own views on the world and people: Phones and Texting

One thing I've grown to hate?
Phones. That's right. Today's modern phone can do so much. You can go online with it and browse the web, you can take pictures on it and record stuff with it too. You can even waste time on YouTube and Facebook, play games and so much more! What a great device we have now. Technology is moving forward!
...yeah. There's one problem with that. These phones have devalued physical confrontation with people. Now if you see someone in real life, there's a damn good chance you'll see them twiddle about on their phones doing whatever. Texting was never a favorite and even worse is some people don't even use proper grammar. If I send a text, it will look akin to this post. I will not resort to using u, y and acronyms. This generation(I.E mine and the upcoming one)have gotten so absorbed in this texting that they post those same examples above in works or documents that require proper grammar. Now I don't know what causes some people to function like this but damn. We learned how to capitalize and use periods in kindergarten. Are we at that point where we forget rudimentary skills we grew up with? Are we gonna suddenly stop learning how to wash hands after going to the bathroom?
On second thought, I take that one back, I've seen nasty fucks do just that. Whether it was on purpose or not is beyond me and I'm not gonna pick into that for now.
But what really gets my piss to a boil is texting and driving. It's one thing if you're on the phone talking and you have the wheel in one hand, steering(I don't condone that in anyway shape or form)and then there's texting while you're supposed to be paying attention to the fucking road. I'm sick of seeing those commercials where someone died because of a dumb shit texting and not paying attention. I have no sympathy for the ones who killed someone while texting and especially the ones who died while texting and driving. When you're behind the wheel, you are responsible for keeping that car out of the way of pedestrians. Whether enough idiots die from doing that or people wise up and stop texting while driving, the sooner I stop seeing those commercials being created with your hard-earned tax dollars, the better.
Remember when we went to the moon? Apple does.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Time to vent: My own views on the world and people.

 Y'know what I hate?

People with a superiority complex. People who are in a position that gives them authority. Cops? Hate them. Firemen? Hate them(Uh-oh). Soldiers? Now lemme explain for a minute, will you?

I have the utmost respect for people who despite being in those positions do so to genuinely help their fellow man. The cop who actually protects and serve, the fireman that isn't an arrogant shithead with tattoos all over his face and arms(Makes me wonder about the ones that we can't see, hmm?), the soldier who cares about protecting the American people and doesn't let what he did in Afghanistan go to his fucking head. You want respect, it must be earned. You are a regular person to me. You come off as respectable, you get respect. You don't show people respect and look beneath them with your nose up to the sky, you can kiss my ass. Too many shitheads are in authority and abuse it. And it's not just the three examples above, it's anyone with some type of power. Supervisors, Managers, CEO's and especially judges. I fucking hate judges. If one has a bad day, they can use that as an excuse to be pissy and by law, you can't do shit. I know there are some people who may scoff at me or just ignore this post(Like anyone's reading these posts to begin with), but hey. Not everyone sees the firemen or cops as honorable people who deserve special treatment. Moreso with the former. I have off-hand experience with them. The ones that came to the store I worked at were shitheads. Arrogant, overweight and smug. Wouldn't surprise me if a few of the tattooed ones were hiding certain tattoos bearing the symbols of certain groups. And the latter needs no explanation.

Overall, I don't like people like that and even ones who aren't in power feel the need to be controlling and almighty and to those fools, to hell with them all, but respect to the few who don't abuse their power and actually know when not to take it too far. Thank you and keep doing the right thing.