Thursday, December 5, 2013

Time to vent: My own views on the world and people: Phones and Texting

One thing I've grown to hate?
Phones. That's right. Today's modern phone can do so much. You can go online with it and browse the web, you can take pictures on it and record stuff with it too. You can even waste time on YouTube and Facebook, play games and so much more! What a great device we have now. Technology is moving forward!
...yeah. There's one problem with that. These phones have devalued physical confrontation with people. Now if you see someone in real life, there's a damn good chance you'll see them twiddle about on their phones doing whatever. Texting was never a favorite and even worse is some people don't even use proper grammar. If I send a text, it will look akin to this post. I will not resort to using u, y and acronyms. This generation(I.E mine and the upcoming one)have gotten so absorbed in this texting that they post those same examples above in works or documents that require proper grammar. Now I don't know what causes some people to function like this but damn. We learned how to capitalize and use periods in kindergarten. Are we at that point where we forget rudimentary skills we grew up with? Are we gonna suddenly stop learning how to wash hands after going to the bathroom?
On second thought, I take that one back, I've seen nasty fucks do just that. Whether it was on purpose or not is beyond me and I'm not gonna pick into that for now.
But what really gets my piss to a boil is texting and driving. It's one thing if you're on the phone talking and you have the wheel in one hand, steering(I don't condone that in anyway shape or form)and then there's texting while you're supposed to be paying attention to the fucking road. I'm sick of seeing those commercials where someone died because of a dumb shit texting and not paying attention. I have no sympathy for the ones who killed someone while texting and especially the ones who died while texting and driving. When you're behind the wheel, you are responsible for keeping that car out of the way of pedestrians. Whether enough idiots die from doing that or people wise up and stop texting while driving, the sooner I stop seeing those commercials being created with your hard-earned tax dollars, the better.
Remember when we went to the moon? Apple does.

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