The economy is poor and you're struggling to pay bills. Not just you, but practically a third to half of the country is on hard times. We can't afford gas, electricity or the basic necessities we need. Money is a big issue. If that's true, then why is it that people in these hard times can still pull ten bucks from their pockets for a movie and the film grosses $200 million dollars in the box office?
Consumerism. This is one I don't get.
Why do we put so much money onto frivolous things that we do not need? Do we need a big screen TV? Do we need that Prius? Do we need to buy stuff we don't need? Why is that? If times are hard, why not put that money into food or things you'll need and put that Blu-Ray player aside for a moment. Scratch that- don't buy it to begin with. You don't need it. You can get a DVD player for dirt cheap. I have one that I play games on. But I digress. The point is, if we really are doing so bad with jobs and rising taxes, shouldn't we save every cent we have? I get that a night at the movies or going to a dank bar with friends can make that pain go away briefly but it's borderlining on escapism. You can't escape the fact that your refrigerator is empty or the electricity that powers it will get cut off if you don't make that payment.
I think we're at a point in life where we try to live the lives of other people. Celebrities on TV(whom you shouldn't be watching to begin with)may have expensive cars or other materialistic items, but that's because they earned(and I use that term loosely considering the ones who sign their checks)enough money to do just that and still live to pay bills. You and me are just regular nobodies who may or may not have income coming in. We can't just piss away $500 on a phone like they can. Some people have to work a week or in my case, a damn month plus just to have that much and this isn't counting the amount rent and the usual necessities deduct from it.. And for those who can earn $500 plus a week, good on you. You still don't need that IPhone. They're just gonna release another model two months later. You can't be the Kardashians, you can't be Young Money, you can't be any of those celebrities. You can only be you. And you have bills to pay and possibly a family to tend to, so get on it and leave that Kindle tablet or whatever the hell people are reading on nowadays where you saw it.
Happy 2014!
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